
  • Ilham Masykuri Hamdi Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin
  • Iqbal Assyauqi Univesitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin



Reformasi, Tasawuf, Wahdatul Wujud, Ahmad Sirhidi



This article discusses the influence of the teachings of Sufism, especially Wahdat al-Wujud, in Islam, with a focus on Ahmad Sirhindi's revision and interpretation of the concept. Ahmad Sirhindi's Interpretation of the Concept. This research This research uses a multidisciplinary method with historical, philosophical, and religious studies analysis to understand the intellectual debate surrounding the doctrine. Religious studies to understand the intellectual debate surrounding this doctrine. The article discusses the development of the concept from Ibn Arabi to Sirhindi, as well as the differences of opinion between the two. Sirhindi and the differences in their views. Sirhindi stressed the importance of maintaining a balance between the aspects of God's transcendence and His uniqueness within the framework of the Wahdat al-Wujud Sufism. He also stressed the integration of the principles of between the Sufi path and the path of the Messenger, as well as the importance of revelation in comparison to the the importance of revelation compared to the experience of kashf in understanding the truth of religion. An in-depth understanding of Sirhindi's views and a revision of the and revision of the teachings of Wahdat al-Wujud Sufism is the focus of this article, as well as their implications in the context of modern Sufism.




Artikel ini membahas pengaruh doktrin Tasawuf, terutama Wahdat al-Wujud, dalam Islam, dengan fokus pada revisi dan interpretasi Ahmad Sirhindi terhadap konsep tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode multidisipliner dengan analisis historis, filosofis, dan studi keagamaan untuk memahami perdebatan intelektual di sekitar doktrin ini. Artikel membahas evolusi konsep dari Ibnu Arabi hingga Sirhindi, serta perbedaan pandangan antara keduanya. Sirhindi menegaskan pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan antara aspek transendensi Tuhan dan keunikan-Nya dalam kerangka pemikiran tasawuf Wahdat al-Wujud. Dia juga menyoroti integrasi prinsip-prinsip syariah dalam konsep tersebut, membedakan jalan sufi dan jalan Rasul, serta pentingnya wahyu dibandingkan dengan pengalaman kasyf dalam memahami kebenaran agama. Pemahaman mendalam terhadap pandangan dan revisi Sirhindi terhadap ajaran Tasawuf Wahdat al-Wujud menjadi fokus utama dalam artikel ini, serta dampaknya dalam konteks tasawuf modern.





How to Cite

Hamdi, I. M., & Assyauqi, I. (2023). REFORMASI TASAWUF: KAJIAN TERHADAP KONTRIBUSI SYEIKH AHMAD SIRHINDI. Titik Karya: Jurnal Sosial Dan Humaniora Kontemporer, 1(02), 41–49.